San Marino, teljes nevn a San Marino Kztrsasg (olaszul Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino) a vilg legkisebb orszgainak egyike. Dl-Eurpban helyezkedik el, Olaszorszg teljesen krlleli.
San Marino Olaszorszg enklvja, az olasz Emilia–Romagna s Marche rgik hatrn. Domborzatt az Appenninek uraljk. A legmagasabb pont a Monte Titano, 749 mter. Vzfellettel az orszg nem rendelkezik.
Az ghajlat mediterrn, forr nyarakkal s enyhe telekkel.
San Marino a harmadik legkisebb llam Eurpban, csak Monaco s a Vatikn kisebb nla.
San Marino a vilg legrgebbi kztrsasga s Eurpa 3. legkisebb llama, rengeteg kzpkori emlkkel, ltnivalval b�velkedik, vente mintegy 3 milli turista keresi fel. A Monte Titano-rl csodlatos ltvny trul az Adriai-tengerre, valamint a msik oldalon Toscana-ra. San Marino csodlatos hely, aki egyszer jrt ott sosem felejti el s szvesen tr vissza oda jra. Ha szeretnl tbbet megtudni San Marinorl vlassz a menpontok kzl!
Nem rt tudni, hogy San Marino Olaszorszggal s ennek rvn az Eurpai Unival ll vm s pnzgyi uniban, br hivatalosan nem tagja az Uninak. Ennek megfelel�en az innen behozott San Marinoi sttusz rukat nem terheli vmfizetsi ktelezettsg. - ezrt ha arra jrunk rdemes ruhzati, elektronikai stb. termkeket vsrolni, mert olcsbban jhetnk ki -
Megegyezs alapjn hasznlhatja az eurt sajt pnzrmeknt, ezltal joga van sajt eur rmket veretni, ami a kisebb pldnyszm miatt ritkbban fordul el� az uni klnbz� terletein (emiatt sokan gy�jtik is a san marinoi eurkat).
San Marino, officially the Republic of San Marino[1][6] ( i /sæn məˈriːnoʊ/ san-mə-ree-noh; Italian: Repubblica di San Marino, also known as the Most Serene Republic of San Marino[6]), is a country situated on the eastern side of the Apennine Mountains. It is an enclave surrounded by Italy. Its size is just over 61 km2 (24 sq mi) with an estimated population of over 30,000. Its capital is the City of San Marino. San Marino has the smallest population of all the members of the Council of Europe.
San Marino is the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world, as the continuation of the monastic community founded on 3 September 301, by stonecutter Marinus of Arbe. Legend has it that Marinus left Rab, then the Roman colony of Arba, in 257 when the future emperor, Diocletian, issued a decree calling for the reconstruction of the city walls of Rimini, which had been destroyed by Liburnian pirates.[7]
The constitution of San Marino, enacted in 1600, is the world's oldest constitution still in effect.[8] The country's economy mainly relies on finance, industry, services and tourism, and San Marino's culture remains Italian, mainly Emilia-Romagnan in essence. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP (per capita), with a figure comparable to some of the more developed Italian regions, such as Lombardy and South Tyrol. San Marino is considered to have a highly stable economy, with the lowest unemployment rate in Europe, no national debt and a budget surplus.[1]